angel spreading light

The Angels Bring Love

[written in conscious attunement]

Angels move the energy of love around our world, imbuing all life with that grace.

They hold the love, become the love in the wholeness and vibration of their being, and then everything they touch can be infused with that love. For angels are beings of flow – and the flow descends.

Love enfolds and awakens.

Angels have responded, even though it is a sacrifice for them.

For as they fill with this loving light, when they descend into places of darkness and despair they give that light and must return to the worlds of light to replenish. It takes its toll.

But the love is released, and descends through our beloved angelic brothers and sisters in waves of radiance, to help Earth and all life in her care.

Let it in, choose to open to love, and angels shall rejoice. We all rejoice, and the work of uplifting our world to a planet of peace and loving kindness is so much easier.

A simple choice every day will empower the flow of love, and then love shall empower you.

A simple choice – allow love to guide and flow into your day. The angels work is easier, the presence of love is greater, the unfoldment of the great change is smoother.

Love enfolds matter, heart awakens in worldly life, spirit becomes the guide of all. Ah, such wonders!

This is our vision. We see it with intention, to create and inspire.

And our beloved angel friends flow with this vision in conscious alignment, to bring that love into your touch, your feel, your mind, your heart – just open to it.

Light and love of every hue descends – choose, it is with you. Love of every nuance of consciousness is there, to meet everyone as equals on the multitude of pathways humanity walks upon.

Love does not discriminate, it flows to all.

Choose, let it flow into your heart, and grace and graciousness shall enfold all you do.

With love, we are here. With love, angels embrace.

Surrender, and love.

Start in Your Heart!

Start in your heart

To awaken and strengthen your connection to your deep, inner heart, try our Free Start in Your Heart attunement (just 6 minutes), or our Deep Heart attunement for a longer experience.

Please note:

  • This was written in conscious attunement and sometimes comes directly from a being on the inner. Any use of “I” or “me” is not a reference to me personally, but to the being from whom the message was given.
  • The publication date is the date the transmission was received, unless indicated otherwise.
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