
Updating Planetary Consciousness: a pathway of hope

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Updating Planetary Consciousness

Updating Planetary Consciousness: a pathway of hope is the first book in the Call of the Heart series

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  • The Intent of Evolution
  • Evolutionary Streams on Earth
  • Human Choice & Angels’ Flow
  • The Ocean of Love
  • Evolution, Love & Conscious Choice
  • Evolutionary Life on Earth
  • Cosmic Love & Earthly Evolution
  • Love’s Drive & Matter’s Pull
  • Building Form & Change
  • The Three Stimuli of Conscious Evolution
  • Your Note of Consciousness
  • The Living Evolution of Earth & Angels
  • Our Relationship with Earth
  • Loving Flow with Angels

Love’s Intent

  • Loving Intent in Your Heart
  • The Flow of Cosmic Intent
  • Living Light & Your Choice
  • Love’s Touch in Your Heart
  • Doubt & Certainty
  • Our Evolutionary Choice
  • The Three Forces Creating Heart


  • True Consciousness
  • Heart in Your Daily Journey
  • The Difference You Make
  • The Search for Meaning
  • Awakening Consciousness of Your Path
  • Heart Intuition & Discernment
  • Discerning Emotions
  • Certainty, Change & Choosing Light
  • Emotions & the Heart Path
  • Mind & Wisdom

Earth Consciousness

  • The Last Kumara
  • Meeting Global Crises with Heart
  • The Blood of Humanity & Earth
  • Love the Earth
  • The Trap of the Absolute
  • Discerning Higher Truth
  • Creating Change through Heart


  • Expressing Soul on Earth
  • Journey of Soul on Earth
  • Differentiating Darkness & Evil
  • Justice & Sticky Guilt
  • Incarnating as Soul
  • Involution to Evolution
  • Living a Soul Life
  • Soul’s Loving Embrace
  • Our Soul’s Flow to Nature & Earth
  • Nature’s Song & Your Purpose
  • Why Loving the Earth Matters
  • Conscience through Heart Consciousness
  • Love, Care & Peace
  • The Full Moon’s Grace
  • The Soul’s Journey

The Human Journey

  • Your Heart & Soul Consciousness
  • The Human Journey
  • The Conscious Journey
  • The Great Choice
  • The Worlds of Souls & Humans
  • Soul & Greater Hearts
  • Love & Will in Your Heart
  • Christ, Buddha, Greater Hearts & Your Path

Call of the Heart

  • Wake to the Call of Your Heart
  • The Call of Evolution
  • Your Evolutionary Role
  • The Resonance of Your Heart
  • Aligning Our Conscious Evolutionary Flow
  • Angelic Flow & Divine Mother
  • The Great Change: Form to Flow

Become Living Light

Responding to the Call of the Heart

  • Practices
  • Continue Your Journey



In this book, discover the power of heart consciousness and how it can help you overcome personal challenges and transform humanity’s global crisis.

Readers can understand how we need to step outside the outdated paradigm of exploiting Earth that is the cause of humanity’s crises, suffering and widespread discontent.

This book explains how we are in a planetary shift that is part of the evolution of heart consciousness personally and globally.

Building upon the ageless wisdom, this book offers a vital, new approach, including:

  • the causes of the planetary crisis and how you can  generate positive change
  • that Earth is an evolving, integrated being within the one consciousness of Cosmos
  • how this consciousness guides Earth and humanity with meaning and evolutionary intent
  • explaining your significant spiritual connection with Earth and your evolutionary purpose
  • how to awaken your consciousness of heart as a powerful guide to truth, reality and meaningful choice

Read it now and discover hope and purpose, and how to make meaningful choices in alignment with this holistic picture of spiritual evolution.

This book offers you a new spirituality for our times. It points the way to unlock your power of heart consciousness, to respond to the evolutionary call of the heart and to find hope, helping to update our planetary consciousness.


Available in ebook, softcover and hardcover. Search your favourite bookseller, or order from the following retailers. If you are unable to obtain a copy, or have any difficulties ordering, please contact us. Please note, we have no control over the retail price, and recommend checking different sellers to obtain the best price.

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Previous Books

The Energy of Happiness

Chapter author
Published 2015

365 Days of Angel Prayers

Chapter author and prayer contributer
Published 2017

Cosmic Heart, Personal Choice

Published 2003

currently out of print

Path of Living Light

Published 2003

currently out of print

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