[written in conscious attunement]
What am I to you?
I, Mother Nature, Earth’s living expression.
For plant life and all her expressions, filling her ecosystems, her enriching presence – this is the expression of Earth life. The life blood of our planet. The living expression of her heart and soul as a physical being.
All her oceans, rivers and forests, her mountains and plains – this is Earth’s beingness. But the life of plants is the life expressed of our planetary home.
Animals and humans are a different expression, for their soul-drive to become, to incarnate, to experience, to evolve, comes from soul, their own souls.
Plant life expresses the soul of our beautiful Earth and her love of life. Plants are her creative force at work, her love in action, her deep beingness in expression.
That is why plants do not have their own soul to guide, inform, push their evolutionary journey. The angels do that. Great devas who love this expression of life become the guiding force: engaging and flowing intention and creative pathways into plant life, evolving their beauty and harmony with each other (when not interfered with by human intent).
Plants evolve with nature’s hand, through great and small angels fulfilling the role that soul and spirit fulfil for humans and animals.
Plants and devas are one, a beautiful living, symbiotic relationship, yet consciously so, of the evolving expression of Mother Earth.
The life of nature, our beautiful green home that embraces us with life, the presence you feel in the forest, from the plants, the grass, the leaves, the tree trunks – this is the life force and love of our planet expressed.
This is how she loves. This is how she gives.
That is why plants have given to us our food: Mother Earth’s gift to the incarnating souls she has welcomed. That is why we must love her expression through plants – her love, her vitality.
Nature, her green forests and plains, her watery life, her flowers of joy – we must love her back and ensure she stays present upon our planet.
If too much nature is gone – Earth’s loving gift to us, her expression of who she is, her welcoming nourishment of all life shall go. This we will not and cannot allow, we the conscious souls on the Earth path.
But it is a choice.
If you trash the house in which you live, you have no home. It is the same with the garden of Earth in which we live. If we do not stop the trashing of Mother Nature’s livingness, we destroy the nourishment given to us on Earth. All the nourishment – food, air and etheric vitality. All of it, and it is ours to choose.
Earth has welcomed our presence and gifted us her nourishing food on all levels, we must learn, love and be truthful to our soul’s commitment before incarnating – to respect the home and garden within which we live.
Start in Your Heart!

To awaken and strengthen your connection to your deep, inner heart, try our Free Start in Your Heart attunement (just 6 minutes), or our Deep Heart attunement for a longer experience.
Please note:
- This was written in conscious attunement and sometimes comes directly from a being on the inner. Any use of “I” or “me” is not a reference to me personally, but to the being from whom the message was given.
- The publication date is the date the transmission was received, unless indicated otherwise.