[written in conscious attunement]
Sit in my garden, the garden of souls.
All the beauty and splendour of lives lived and living, experiences gained, wisdom evolved, and love – love shining.
For love is the light that illumines all. The light that shows the inner worlds to the seeker, that shows the narrow path to the disciple and that shows daylight to the emerging soul, emerging into consciousness from its youthful journey.
Love is the light that shines in the eyes, the windows of the soul.
Love is the colour that makes our world’s beauty. Without love, colour has no life. It becomes the stuff of matter un-cared for, dismantled and discarded into the flotsam and jetsam of incarnations past.
Love changes all that. Love brings quality to the hue, radiance to the light, feeling to the presence, and touch to the heart.
Art made with love, touches and inspires. Art made with calculation is just stuff, and you can see and feel the difference.
Life’s colours and beauty are no different. With love everyone shines. The love of conscious intent. It touches matter and resonates with the higher atoms of consciousness, and their vibration on levels finer than the physical atoms; it is what creates that sparkle, that tingle that you perceive.
Love defines how we journey, because we come from love as souls, so our very being is imbued with this knowing. Everyone can therefore find this nourishment within that helps the developing mind and emotions to discern.
That is why you can always find truth in your heart, for that is the anchor of your soul and the truth-sayer of love.
Mind cannot make such a choice; feelings may, if pure enough to resonate with soul. Ultimately, soul love must be the arbiter of your life choices, however you find that, and then you shall walk a path of heart.
So, rest in my garden. Feel and see the love in the petals and leaves of our loving, living Earth’s presence. Now her love and our love on the higher spheres are merging, so none shall be able to say they cannot choose light and love – for now it shines through all spheres, ready to provoke evolution to a place of peace.
Rest in my garden, and feel love.
Then you can stand in that love in our troubled world, and help others to find my peace and their path.
Rest easy in love. Smell the fragrance of it upon the breeze, let it lift your spirits as it nourishes your soul and being.
For I tend the garden of souls, and souls are of love of every colour and hue.
In my garden you are love. Be my gardeners in our world, and show love for others to grow and flourish.
My garden of love is here for all.
Seek love, the love of growth and consciousness, change and choice, and you shall be in my garden, nourished in my presence.
I am the tenderer of the garden of souls, and my love I give to all.
Start in Your Heart!

To awaken and strengthen your connection to your deep, inner heart, try our Free Start in Your Heart attunement (just 6 minutes), or our Deep Heart attunement for a longer experience.
Please note:
- This was written in conscious attunement and sometimes comes directly from a being on the inner. Any use of “I” or “me” is not a reference to me personally, but to the being from whom the message was given.
- The publication date is the date the transmission was received, unless indicated otherwise.