Hope, Heart, the Promise of the Future

[written in conscious attunement]

Through the Heart of Nations,
I lift
hearts and minds,
bodies and souls,
consciousness and matter.

For I am Archangel of Hope through the living blood of Cosmos, the Spirit of Resurrection who flows like a river of silver-gold rainbows from the greatest heart of all on Sirius, into every heart who yearns. Through that heart, my light infuses, energises and uplifts – into matter, consciousness, soul, body – for all aspects of human and planetary life are nourished and uplifted by heart.

So look to me in your heart’s pulse, your inner flow, your enlightened moments, your darkened travails. For as long as you are alive, your heart pulses with the living grace I give, the living light.

In the intensity of my love comes the ignition of light, the sparks within every cell, which energise. Energy gives hope; for with energy your vibrations rise, your spirits rise, your eyes lift, the horizon beckons with luminous blessings falling like dewdrops upon your path ahead.

What is it to hope, if not to feel and see the morrow in a new light, to cede the grief of today in the lessons of the journey, and harvest the essence with which to nourish your next steps.

But hope can only resonate in your bosom if change is not feared; for hope, in the evolution of consciousness, is the instigator of change; for hope shines brightly in the promise of things to come. It is in those things to come; for hope is a quality of the path ahead, always the steps ahead. It gives the insight, vision and gracious understanding to step forward.

So change is always involved. Always, to embody hope, you will be a change-maker. Always, to feel hope, you will be a willing change participant. Always, to share hope, you will be a visionary: with a vision of the future held in the promise of soul and spirit. The promise held in the evolutionary plan, in the Cosmic heartbeat pulsing into beautiful Earth, nourishing through radiant Solar Logos. Always, does hope give this, true hope.

At certain times of the year, I come with force, for the ring-pass-not of Earth yields for just that moment needed to infuse my life’s blood of hope as nourishment for soul, body and spirit, of Earth, nations, and nature and creatures of all creations.

Just a touch, for that is all permitted.


For humanity is the vehicle of hope to be in this world: the forerunner of the children of the heart, the embodier of that light that is love. So humanity must learn to hold and embody that light, and in so doing, become the radiance of hope inherent in all who love Earth and life’s creations.

The consciousness of the heart generates hope, for in that consciousness you see what is to be, and know deep in your being how that future of light becomes present; that is hope!

So, I come, just at some times when permitted by human grace and soul karma, and Earthly alignments with Cosmos.

I come to remind, to rekindle, to reawaken. For in the human heart I already exist as an anchoring flame of consciousness, and to this flame I call, and my fire of love stimulates. For the human consciousness must awaken more, and more, so to not only embody more hope – but become the co-creator of hope in the future.

When enough humans trigger their heart flames to shine, then hope radiates from humanity. When enough people say ‘yes’ to heart consciousness, and to the path of love and care, instead of self and separation, then hope rises from the very substance of the human family, and my work is done! For that is why humans are here upon this Earth, to become the co-creators of a living, breathing, loving planet of cosmic consciousness; and only hope knows the pathway, and only human consciousness can embrace and generate this hope within the body and embrace of Mother Earth.

So, I come, and I call, and seek your heart’s resonance. Find me there, in your heart, that flame that initiates your search for truth, the seeker within, the light that inspires belief in soul and beyond, the grace that uplifts in the times of trouble and heaviness, the nourishment that sustains you when you starve for loving light.

Generate that hope, dear humanity, for I come and call it forth. You are this for Mother Earth, and thus for yourselves and all life.

Radiant in your heart I am, the loving, living light of Hope, and today I am here for you, in this sacred embrace of this spiritual moment in the year’s cycles and flows. I am here for your heart and everyone’s future. I am Hope!

Meditation for Hope …


You may like to try our Heart Flame Healing Meditation, that guides you into your heart and the flame of hope within.

Please note:

  • This is written in conscious attunement, and at times may be given directly from an inner source. Any use of “I” or “me” is not a reference to me personally, but to the being from whom the message was given.
  • The publication date is the date the transmission was received, unless indicated otherwise.


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