Through the Rosy Glow

[written in conscious attunement]

Rest easy, rainbow-hearted ones.

Take your journey through my rainbow glow, my nourishing heart, my enfolding embrace… and through the veils of time, intuition and grace – see!

See the journey ahead, full of light and love. See the world of Earth, radiant and full of grace. See the inner worlds, and their nourishing presence. Feel the life of cosmos in your being, the love of Earth, the radiance of Sun. Such is the path of the rainbow-hearted ones in our times.

Soon will come the change, great change.

So, rest easy, dear hearts, rest easy and ready your consciousness for change.

Choose love, and be part of the change.

Harder than it seems? Of course. This is the love of cosmic intention. Of global plans. Of life and death. Of karma and dharma. Of purpose and soul. Of humility and surrender.

Love is the greatest catalyst of change, for there can never be conscious change without it. The love that binds, that engulfs, that directs, that informs.

This, the love of choice.

Enter into my rosy glow, and you stand in my love, for I stand in love, for all. I stand as a pillar of Earth’s journey, a presence of Earth’s awakening, a touch of Earth’s embrace as planetary soul.

So, I touch you also.

Know me not?

No matter, I stand here, in love.

I stand for all, and love becomes the rosy glow of every sunrise and sunset, of moonshine and gentle rain, of thunder and wind, waves and stillness.

For I stand, here, on Earth:  here I stand until all souls have chosen – love, or leave.

Earth has chosen long ago, her sacrifice to become conscious was to welcome so many souls (human and animal), for it is a burden as much is it is a blessing to grow thus.

So it is for us all:  to love is to take with us the matter and consciousness of our own beingness, present and past, through all threads of incarnation. Love binds you to those experiences and you carry them as burdens, until you find the loving choice that renews and releases that which can be transformed with love.

Your soul stands with you, I stand with Earth, light pervades all and darkness is more strongly contrasted. Take it into the light!

Journey with hope, take faith in the truth – truth of your heart, wherein lies all held by soul, the arbiter of justice, the presence of purity, the weigher of the journey’s scales.

So, you choose, and walk through my rosy glow, and what love, what love! But you must know and chose, because my love destroys that which holds no love, that which hinders love’s unfoldment, that which seeks material love to the detriment of our world.

Be love, and let the young souls find a loving home, where soul guides and nourishes honesty and understanding. Earth and we who live here, become a radiant wave of love, like the christed Buddha to come.

So, we choose, rainbow-hearted ones, and the rosy hue of love’s embrace guides you on your next steps, and Earth’s heart is a-glow, with joy for what unfolds.

Start in Your Heart!

Start in your heart

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Please note:

  • This was written in conscious attunement and sometimes comes directly from a being on the inner. Any use of “I” or “me” is not a reference to me personally, but to the being from whom the message was given.
  • The publication date is the date the transmission was received, unless indicated otherwise.
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