[written in conscious attunement]
In the silent temple halls I walk.
My mind in the world of wisdom.
My heart in the world of care.
My being in the world of Sirian-Solar-Earthly alignment.
My mission to lay bare what has been, to see what is to be, in the future of the new wisdom, the new love, the new existence that shall encompass all.
In such a big picture, does it matter what each of us does? Like grains of sand, we are not the desert, nor the dunes, but we are the substance – and in a world like little Earth, where matter is the ultimate milieu of conscious existence, then every grain of consciousness within that substance of matter is life changing for our planet, our solar system, our cosmos.
Consciousness is the key.
Do you wander in the Halls of Wisdom deep in thought, seeking knowledge? Do you scramble in the world of life unable to find the peace embedded in the heart’s path? Do you swill around in the world of feelings, where the tides and currents of the world and its hopes and woes draw you hither and yon?
None of these worlds are the world of the future.
They have substance to contribute, but are not melded, shaped, infused, cohered in and of themselves with the heart of the Great Heart to be.
That is the future. The past absorbed, infused, reduced into vibrations of light and love, to become the free-flowing, yet intentful substance of a heart-felt existence.
So I walk the silent temple halls that are impregnated with the ethers of life to unfold, heart-consciousness to awaken, world-citizen intentions to lay bare in the waste of history past.
I sit with joy in my heart, for the future lies gleaming in that promise, and that promise I know to be true and real, for I am of that future, as are you, and truth shines in the heart, and is unmistakable in its gleam and presence. Its touch awakening more than you know, see and feel, yet you do know, see and feel it! This is the truth that is of the heart, and it lives in that present that is nearly here.
Be ready! Walk with me and listen with heart.
Start in Your Heart!

To awaken and strengthen your connection to your deep, inner heart, try our Free Start in Your Heart attunement (just 6 minutes), or our Deep Heart attunement for a longer experience.
Please note:
- This was written in conscious attunement and sometimes comes directly from a being on the inner. Any use of “I” or “me” is not a reference to me personally, but to the being from whom the message was given.
- The publication date is the date the transmission was received, unless indicated otherwise.
Start in Your Heart!

To awaken and strengthen your connection to your deep, inner heart, try our Free Start in Your Heart attunement (just 6 minutes), or our Deep Heart attunement for a longer experience.