[written in conscious attunement]
in waves,
from the pulse of my heart.
the cause,
the reason for all life,
the challenge to evolve,
the push to change,
the guide to follow,
the challenger of the darkness.
Darkness is only that yet to evolve.
What is it to evolve?
It is to bring all matter of your being – which, as a human is physical, emotional and of mind – into your consciousness. You encompass it all, and, most importantly, you guide and form it all.
In the beginning the form evolves within the confines, and by the directive, of the substance itself. As water will ripple and make waves in the wind, and air will move as temperature changes, our bodies, mind and feelings come into coherence (the first stage in evolution) through the universal laws that govern that matter itself.
Then, to become conscious … then, love must come.
Nothing can evolve without love, for love is the conduit of vibrations from higher to lower, from soul to body, from Cosmos to Earth – love is the single quality that resonates on all levels of vibration, like the octaves of music.
And that vibration is keyed into our beings, into the substance of who we are, the matter of our world, the eternity of our cosmos, for it is the ultimate breath from which all creation has come to be.
The breath of creation. The divinity within cosmos, all the way to the Earth beneath your feet.
The conscious ones seek this. The unconscious ones desire it. The challenge to evolve is to become conscious.
Desire can only create a reflection of love, which can be beautiful, enriching and nourishing. It is a result of the loving vibration of consciousness stirring in the emotions.
Love itself shall only truly be present when choice is made, and consciousness encompasses. It is a path open to all, for love permeates all.
Find it through conscious awakening.
Be love.
My universe awakens within my worlds of Earth and matter, feelings and mind – and all creation hums with Love, all octaves from Cosmos to Earth harmonise, and the symphony of the universe sounds in magnificence.
Be love.
Take the journey.
Become what you are, deep in every cell, find the journey past the darkness.
Love is the guide.
Heart is your home.
The note sounds more and more as the cosmic ring sends forth. Wave upon wave – the note of cosmic and solar love sounds, penetrating the worlds within.
The note has sounded. Let its vibrations move through your being.
Waves of love
Shaking the unconscious
Nourishing the loving
Awakening the aware
Guiding the seekers
Stimulating the searchers
Hoping for the Earth herself
Love, the ultimate hope, for it is the way, top to bottom, Cosmos to Earth, Spirit to matter, heart to body, unawake to fully transformed.
Love is the way!
The note sounds forth, the waves resonate in you.
Be love, dear friends, dear searchers, be love, and the way becomes the path, the path becomes your life, your life becomes the Earthly journey, and our beautiful worlds sing with love!
Be love.
The love that guides and discerns, that shines when life’s journey darkens and challenges cloud the horizon. Yet love remains, the greatest light there is in our worlds, and it will always answer when you call, to help, to teach, to nourish, to guide. To love.
The great confronter of darkness – for in seeing that which is not love, so it can be held and infused and transformed with consciousness, and become love.
Be love. See with love, choose with love, grow with love.
Be love.
Start in Your Heart!

To awaken and strengthen your connection to your deep, inner heart, try our Free Start in Your Heart attunement (just 6 minutes), or our Deep Heart attunement for a longer experience.
Please note:
- This was written in conscious attunement and sometimes comes directly from a being on the inner. Any use of “I” or “me” is not a reference to me personally, but to the being from whom the message was given.
- The publication date is the date the transmission was received, unless indicated otherwise.