Guided meditations for heart awakening, clearing & healing
Heart consciousness has a very different feeling and presence to the consciousness of mind and emotion with which we are familiar.
To find heart, to strengthen it in your life, you need to take your consciousness there regularly, to experience it and build it into the fabric of your knowing and being, and awaken it right down into your cells.
The following guided meditations will give you this experience, by taking you into your heart, while also engaging your mind and emotions to deepen and anchor this consciousness in your daily life and awareness.
These practices can help you bring the wisdom and healing of heart into your life, and help you heal, clear and find your way of responding to the call of the heart, to create lasting positive change in yourself and our world.
All are offered as free audio downloads
Meditate with CARE …Why?
These are active meditations that will exercise your inner self, so be gentle on yourself and use them with balance to avoid causing any strain or possible distress. Treat them exactly as you would if you were starting a new physical exercise program: slow and steady, review as you go, and adjust if needed.
In addition, as they guide your consciousness to a deep inner place, don’t do them when you need your attention in the physical world! (eg, when driving, cooking, caring for others, etc)
Meditations for Heart
Start in Your Heart
Awaken and develop your heart consciousness with this 6-minute practice that guides you into your deep inner heart, helping you experience and develop your awareness of heart. Your inner heart is a real place within your being … read more
Deep Heart Attunement
Go deeper into your heart for your wellbeing, take time to contemplate and heal, and bring heart consciousness to your daily journey. This guided meditation will take you into your heart space for reflection and nourishment, to soak… read more
Meditations to Balance & Clear
Just as with your physical health, your inner self is impacted by your day-to-day life and choices. Taking an active path of spiritual development can also create stresses and strains, in the same way a new physical exercise program will for your physical body. For physical health we need a good physical diet and exercise, for our inner health we need good inner nourishment and exercise too. These guided meditations bring a variety of qualities of light to nourish your inner self, strengthen the clarity and purity of the light in your being, and develop greater inner fitness and flexibility.
Flame Meditation
Sit within each of the eight flames of light to revitalise, clear and balance your inner being. A great daily practice. The Flame Meditation is not only uplifting, but will help you centre in your heart, and revitalise … read more
Heart Flame Healing
Activate the 3-fold flame of your heart, and strengthen and balance the qualities of hope, purpose and love in your being. This guided meditation will take you into your heart, and invite into your being the deep healing of this deep light within you … read more
Earth Healing Meditation
Earth healing is an essential practice on the path of heart. We have a vital role within the loving embrace of our Earth, to choose the path of heart, and help awaken and strengthen spiritual consciousness to empower peace and care for all.
Earth Healing Meditation
Bring your heart into the flow of living, loving light from the Master of Love Maitreya, to heal and nourish our living Earth. Participate with friends to magnify the healing. Healing the Earth is needed so much at this time … read more
Meditations for Deep Healing
Healing and care is needed when undertaking any program of exercise and transformation, whether physical or spiritual. Spiritual healing occurs through applying the right energy vibration to the patterns built within our inner self, helping them to loosen and transform, and become more free-flowing in our personal consciousness. At the same time, all deep healing can open doors to another layer of our being, and bring deeper challenges into our awareness. It is up to you to measure and balance all inner work, so that you can maintain balance in your day.
Hope Guided Healing
Revitalise in the living light of hope, to uplift and inspire your wellbeing and wholeness from deep within. Hope is the essential fire of consciousness that gives us the vision for the future, and positivity for every moment … read more
Yasodhara’s Healing Embrace
Sink into Yasodhara’s grace and let the loving golden light of this great female Buddha nourish and heal you. Yasodhara is one of the beautiful Mothers of the World. She is the twin ray of Gautama Buddha … read more
Renewal Guided Healing
Immerse in the living light of renewal, to revitalise your cells and inner self, and create loving flow in your being. Renewal is the journey of clearing, growing and evolving into your most radiant self. This guided healing… … read more