group soul

A group soul is one that expresses through a number of incarnations at the same time. The collective experience is gathered into one soul and shared with all future incarnations. Animals have group souls, created by Earth’s intent to support the diversity of her expression. More developed animals have less incarnations for each soul, thus you see greater light and wisdom in their eyes and through their engagement with the world.

In this time of great change, a form of group soul is emerging for humanity. Individual souls will come together and blend their energies into a collective wisdom, built upon all the lessons learned individually. Each soul still maintains its individual evolutionary journey through its own human incarnation; however, each soul now has access to the collective wisdom of the soul group. This will speed up the conscious development in humanity, because it enables each individual soul to develop greater wisdom without having to take the longer journey of learning only through their own experience. This will become more and more common as the evolutionary push to increase human consciousness gathers pace.

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