
  • Vitality, Consciousness & Karma

    Vitality, Consciousness & Karma

    Vitality is always present where there is consciousness. We often think of vitality as a measure of physical… more

  • Healing through Your Soul Group

    Healing through Your Soul Group

    The most wondrous thing about the journey of evolving heart consciousness is that it is at once spectacularly… more

  • Earth’s Karma & Our Healing Choice

    Earth’s Karma & Our Healing Choice

    Earth on her own journey as an evolving, conscious being has her own karma. Every evolving being in… more

  • The Great Choice

    The Great Choice

    The moment when a soul and its human expression begin co-mingling in their respective consciousness is momentous, for… more

  • The Conscious Journey

    The Conscious Journey

    The uniqueness of the human journey is that you evolve in two spheres:  the sphere of soul, and… more

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