[written in conscious attunement]
To love,
like a star to a star,
a flower to a bee,
inextricably bound together in life’s journey, unfolding consciousness together.
Souls love and join in deep and lasting bonds for the soul journey.
Life calls for those bonds to be made with Earth.
Love her, like your dearest friend, your loving partner, your joyful child. Love her – she is holding you, her love awakens in your heart, and my love nourishes.
Love her, then care – for love is needed to save our future, our beautiful green and blue Mother Earth.
Love her, and all our hearts shall sing.
Love her, nature shall sparkle. The sparkle you feel as hope – for life expressing love is hope.
Beloved Earth’s love is expressed through nature, her living breath and life force – the radiance of hope for us all.
Love her, and be loved. Love is between souls and life-streams. Love Earth and it flows to you too.
Love cannot exist without relationship – personal, planetary, inner, outer – all relationships unfold love to grow and become.
Start in Your Heart!

To awaken and strengthen your connection to your deep, inner heart, try our Free Start in Your Heart attunement (just 6 minutes), or our Deep Heart attunement for a longer experience.
Please note:
- This was written in conscious attunement and sometimes comes directly from a being on the inner. Any use of “I” or “me” is not a reference to me personally, but to the being from whom the message was given.
- The publication date is the date the transmission was received, unless indicated otherwise.