
Flame Meditation

Sit within each of the 8 flames of light to revitalise, clear and balance your inner being. A great daily practice.

Call of the Heart meditation download

The Flame Meditation is not only uplifting, but will help you centre in your heart, and revitalise your inner consciousness and physical self. It is an excellent exercise to bring you greater harmony on your heart path.

This guided meditation will take you through each primary colour of light, where you spend a few minutes to feel, experience and allow the colour to resonate its qualities into your being.

Each colour has a different vibration, just like the light we see physically, and those different vibrations impart their qualities to you as you open to that light. They can heal, uplift, soothe, balance, transform; and can also help awaken your consciousness by stimulating your inner awareness, and clearing those vibrations that are discordant with your path forward.

We live in a world full of vibrations that can be discordant with our choices and sensitivities. Or you may have discordant vibrations from your own transformation and journey bringing things up that need healing and change.

Either way, the Flame Meditation is an excellent regular practice if you want to actively engage with your journey of consciousness and evolution of heart; it helps you keep balanced and focussed on the way. (Read more about consciousness and the colours of light)

It does not matter if you do not see the colours. This practice calls upon your spirit self, your I Am Presence, to send the colours to you, so they will be there. The more you work with it, the more you will develop your inner awareness to sense, feel, hear, or see, how these colours resonate within you, and nourish your journey of consciousness.

This meditation was given to my teacher Ananda, to be used as a daily practice, like a daily spiritual shower.

For a longer version guided by Ananda, please visit here.

How to Benefit from this Practice

Where: Find a place where you can sit comfortably and undisturbed so that your consciousness can take a journey to your deep place within.

Frequency: This practice exercises your consciousness, so please treat it just as you would a new physical exercise program – go slowly, with moderation and awareness, and gently build up your frequency and capacity over time. A daily meditation practice is good, but listen to your inner guidance and never force yourself. Balance is essential on a heart path.

Please meditate with care! It is essential that you do not listen to this meditation when you need to be very physically focussed, for example, when driving or doing any tasks that need your full attention. You will neither gain the benefit of the meditation, nor attend properly to the physical tasks.

Please share the love!

2 responses to “Flame Meditation”

  1. Nadia Rose

    Hi Ann,
    I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful work. I have received much healing from your meditations that I have downloaded this week. I am also experiencing so much from your articles on Hope. They are really helping me to understand what Hope is and the importance of meditating within it to build into our consciousness. Your teachings have come at a time when I have really needed such inspiration. I look forward to my continued studies on your other articles. Your website is such an inspiration.
    Once again my sincerest of gratitude for your Service to the Light.
    With Love Nadia-Rose

    1. Ann

      Dear Nadia-Rose, thank you so much for your kind words. It is very heartwarming to know that what we are sharing is helpful for your journey. Many blessings to you, take care, with love Ann

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