

What is consciousness in this era of heart awakening? Explore how consciousness develops and awakens in us and in our world, and our role as evolving, spiritual beings on Earth. Stimulate your understanding of consciousness, learn the choices you can make to awaken your heart consciousness, and increase consciousness in our world.


Your soul is of a finer vibration than your physical self, and exists in the embrace of the Earth’s Ocean of Love, from there infusing you with the living light that sustains you. Get to know this inner resonance of your being, anchored in your heart, shining with your purpose, guiding your evolutionary journey of consciousness.

deep rose heart


Heart consciousness is awakening in our world, and bringing with it many pressures to change – personally, globally, and everywhere in between. Deepen your understanding of heart, and immerse in this place within your being, and within the Earth, where we can align with, and be nourished by our soul and the global evolutionary intent.

The Human Journey

What is this magical path we walk life after life, through joys and travails? Learn about this journey of learning through life’s experiences, and the awakening of consciousness that comes from our soul’s resonance within our heart.


Mother – existing in the space between stars and atoms, her embracing presence spans Cosmos to our physical world, enabling heart and life to awaken. We need to bring our consciousness into Mother’s embrace, to awaken this life force and grace of heart in our lives and in our world.


Healing helps us transform and learn on the path to our heart, on the awakening journey to soul. When healing resonates deeply into your being, profound changes can occur, from deep spiritual awakening to the soothing embrace that gives comfort and relief. Healing is a tool for spiritual development, and can be experienced through meditation, spiritual healing modalities, life, and nature.

Living Earth

Our beautiful Earth is a living consciousness, with nature her radiant garment of life. She is under enormous pressure at this time, with challenges to the health of nature, climate, and all the life forms in her care, including us. Re-awaken and deepen your conscious connection to the living, loving presence of Mother Earth in your being, and help create positive global change.

Evolution of Love

Love is the driving force behind the development of consciousness and the evolution of life. Explore this deeper cause and intention behind the great changes happening in our personal and global world, and how this evolutionary force is touching our hearts to energise greater positive change.

renewal healing


Renewal gives a guide to the conscious choices, practices and experiences for clearing old patterns, essential for walking a path of heart. Learn about this path of conscious choice to heal and revitalise our wisdom and wholeness, so we can better walk the path of heart.


Greater Hearts

The Greater Hearts are evolved beings who have walked before us. They are loving Masters of light and consciousness who guide, nourish and uplift us, whatever spiritual tradition or path we follow. They hold and guide spirit and angels, and embrace the living flows to nourish Earth and all life. They reach out to us to stimulate our consciousness and awakening hearts, and inspire and guide our evolution in this time of great change.

The Law

Explore the evolving spiritual law that defines and guides evolution, that enables us to live in complete alignment with our soul’s intent, and take our heart’s journey. In this time of great change the Law is changing to stimulate and guide our growth onto the path of heart. The better we can understand the Laws that guide our evolution, the more we can align with our soul’s intent and heart’s journey.

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